Electric Mobility Technology Creation


Countries over the world are applying various policies and regulations to overcome different challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution for carbon dioxide emission, and depletion of limited energy. The transportation mode and automobile industries, one of the closely related industrial sectors, are also preparing for market shift by developing various future-oriented modes of transportation in preparation for international regulations and standards.

TPI, to respond to the rapidly changing market conditions, develops electric mobility with differentiated performance and pursues business with a goal to dominate the global market for transportational mode earlier than competition. EMTC also plans to converge diverse industrial sectors to create new opportunities as a global market leader.


It is the world's first battery-powered monorail and boasts unparalleled quality compared to its competitors. It supplies towed, urban, and tourist monorails, and is the only unmanned mountainous battery-type smart monorail and urban monorail vehicle manufacturing and selling businesses that have obtained unique technology and 13 patents for each component.


Electric two-wheeled vehicles that will transform short-range and boundaries transportation. It is equipped with a transmission that is unique to the competition. We are establishing a strategy to secure brand value by developing and selling only the first model with higher quality and performance than Honda products, which are the world's best company.
[The first electric scooter has been developed]
[The third transmission is being developed]

TPI International Co., Ltd.  I주I티피아이인터내셔널
9F, Dosan-daero 165, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
서울시 강남구 도산대로 165 9층

TEL : +82 2 6949 1303
FAX : +82 2 515 1304
Email : info@tpiinternational.co.kr